Books won’t stay banned. They won’t burn. Ideas won’t go to jail. In the long run of history, the censor and the inquisitor have always lost. The only sure weapon against bad ideas is better ideas.
— Alfred Whitney
Quicklink to the newest files on the CAFE website: ONLINE PETITION AGAINST PROPOSED HATE LAW CHANGES Doug Collins – “Guilty” in Round 2 of BC Tribunal | BC Justice Duncan Shaw rules child porn is legal to posses [Press Release] Collins’ Conviction is an “Outrage” CAFE Director Says
The Canadian Association for Free Expression Inc. was founded in 1981 and is incorporated as a non-profit educational organization.Welcome to the CAFE Homepage
CAFE is dedicated to maximizing the freedom of speech and freedom of expression provisions in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It is one of Canada’s foremost civil liberties groups.
Mirror Site Locations in North America Toronto, Canada CENSORED! []
[READ HERE] Southern United States
——————- Toronto, Canada…………..
[ |]
Victory in Oliver, B.C.
Small town wanna be censors tried to stop CAFE from holding a meeting in Oliver B.C., but CAFE undeterred held a great meeting on the front steps of the Oliver Town Hall. Check it out here, you can even listen to the full speeches by Doug Collins and Paul Fromm in Real Audio! [Full Story]
Sign our petition aginst the new proposed “Hate Law” changes allowing police to seize your Hard Drive!
Past Petitions: SEE OUR ONLINE PETITION TO SUPPORT FREEDOM OF SPEECH! Petition to stop the outright censorship at CANADA CUSTOMS Dante’s Infernal Guide to Human Rights and Wrongs This is a must read!
What is the Canadian Association for Free Expression?
Complete with photo’s, speeches and contact information!
Subscription information for the Free Speech Monitor
1998October March |
1997DecemberOctoberJuly/AugustJuneMarchJanuary/February |
1996NovemberOctoberSeptemberJuly / AugustApril |
Subscription information for the Free Speech Monitor
A CAFE Report on The Attack on Teachers by Censorship Groups in Canada
Support CAFE in our various battles across the country for freedom of speech.
CAFE Letters
Paul Fromm Letter to the National Post – re: PROPOSED CRIMINAL CODE CHANGES (HATE PROPAGANDA)
Letter from Paul Fromm to the editor of the Oliver Chronicle re: censorhip of CAFE ad
Letter from Paul Fromm to the Western Report on Communist Proffessor David Lethbridge
Cafe letter to both the Attorney General of Ontario and Alan Tonks regarding the ARA and CSIS revelations
Canadian Association for Free Expression Protests Censors’ Efforts to Bar Farrakhan
Visit the C-FAR online book store
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P.O. Box 332 Station ‘B’
Etobicoke, Ontario
M9W 5L3
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