The health effects of Canada’s dilapitated immigration system are one of the scariest, most shocking, and disgusting parts of the immigration fiasco. These pages will sketch a picture of the effect of unchecked immigration on us; This may have been ignored by Canada’s ruling Elite, but carries dire consequences for hundreds of thousands of helpless Canadians.
“More than 1,800 people will have to undergo tuberculosis testing next week after a Scarborough high school [Agincourt Collegiate] student was diagnosed with the potentially fatal disease.” (Toronto Sun, January 13, 1998).
“More than 20 people who attend St. Patrick’s Adult Day School in Ottawa are being monitored for signs of tuberculosis after the highly contagious infection was discovered in a student. … The woman, who had emigrated from the Philippines several years ago … is being monitored daily by a homecare worker. ” (Ottawa Citizen, January 30, 1998)
“22 countries account for 80 per cent of the world’s tuberculosis cases …
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iran , Mexico, Myanmar [Burma], Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda and Vietnam.” … Canada’s top ten source countries for immigration in 1996 were: Hong Kong, India, China, Taiwan, Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, U.S., Iran, U.K……..”
- Read the Center for Disease Control’s flyer and find out how tuberculosis is spread
- Write to the Lung Association and request information on Tuberculosis
Metro Toronto Unit 365 Bloor Street East Suite 601 Toronto, Ontario M4W 3L4