CFIRC Announces Cutting Edge ePOSTCARD to Protest Lax Immigration Laws in Canada
Having received hundreds of inquiries in the wake of Canada First Immigration Reform Committee’s Website petition calling on the government to invoke the notwithstanding clause to regain control of Canada’s borders, CFIRC has announced another first in immigration reform work on the Internet.
“We are introducing an online customizable electronic post card (ePOSTCARD) calling on the Minister of Immigration to deport the illegals and invoke the ‘notwithstanding’ clause,” CFIRC Director Paul Fromm announced today.
“Those who access the CFIRC website can create their own electronic post card from a combination of pre-selected photos and texts, with a simple click of the mouse. CFIRC will then automatically FAX the ePOSTCARD directly to Elinor Caplan office,” Fromm explained. “On each ePOSTCARD visitors to the site will be able to add in their own comments, as it’s very important for this most out-of-touch minister to know what people are really thinking.” he continued.
Some of the various graphics available for use on the ePOSTCARD
“What part of 90 per cent does the minister not understand,” Fromm demanded. “Diane Francis asserted and other polls confirm that nearly 9 in 10 Canadians want these illegals and their gangster organizers deported.”
During a recent online poll for C-FAX radio in Victoria where the question was asked: “what should Canada do with the illegal immigrants arrested off Vancouver Island.” An overwhelming 86.3% of respondents said “Send them back”.
The Victoria Times Colonist on August 15, 1999 carried a front page story stating that “A total of 97 per cent – 3,362 people – responded by phone and e-mail to say they felt compassion for the Chinese boat people, but that they should be returned to their place of origin to enter Canada legally.”
The Canada First Immigration Reform Committee has also taken a straw poll on it’s popular website. We asked our website visitors “What should happen to the series of Asian boat people landing in British Columbia?” Similar to all other polls on this subject a clear 88% of respondents said “They should be sent back to Asia.”
When will the minister listen and act, instead of hiding behind legalistic excuses and vague nonsense about consulting other nations?
Our online ePOSTCARD comes in several formats and can be printed for people who do not have access to the Internet, or for people who prefer to send it in themselves.
The ePOSTCARD and an online petition which has received national attention is all part of CFIRC’s campaign to keep the pressure building on Ottawa to re-take control of Canadas borders.
The CFIRC ePOSTCARD’s can be accessed at
Also see our Online Petition:
To contact the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee please
- call (905) 897-7221,
- fax (905) 277-3914
- or send us internet e-mail