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on the Free Speech Petition
Issue: Proposed Changes to Canada’s so-called “Hate Laws”

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After secret meetings in 1998 Canada’s 10 provincial Attorney Generals and the federal Soliciter General have recommended drafting new laws that would criminalize computer owners, religious groups, conservatives, historians, and anyone who expresses a political opinion. The recommendations are a surrender to minority special-interest groups that have been lobbying for years to restrict free-speech. These proposals would again expand Canada’s notorious “hate law” (Section 319 of the Criminal Code).

“We have reason to believe you are in possession Christian material
disputing the moral authority of same-sex lifestyles — Just
hand me the bible Ma’am — that’s it, nice and slow.”!
New laws would:

  • Give police powers to enter your house, search your computer hard-drive, and then seize the computer if in their opinion it contained “hateful material”!
  • Add “sexual orientation” to the long list of “special categories” protected under the “hate law”. This would criminalize, for example, any opposition by conservative Christians, Moslems and Jews to the homosexual lifestyle. This ominous expansion of protected groups also seems designed to shield child molesters and pedophiles from ‘hatred or contempt’.
  • Make possession of alledged “hate” material for distribution a criminal offence. This is aimed at throttling groups opposed to imposed bilingualism, wide open immigration, NAFTA, the New World Order, and the homosexual agenda. The fear of possessing news-letters that could lead to criminal charges would persuade individuals and groups not to organize. This is the same type of intimidation used in pre-1988 Russia to stifle any political dissent.
  • Overturn laws which our ancestors fought and died to protect by making truth no defence for court-defendants who question historical genocide. As in Russia, this would result in state-sanctioned history. For example if one’s research showed that the government approved figure of 1.5 million Irish victims of the 1848 famine was actually closer to 1.3 million, they could be arrested and tried without being allowed to show their evidence in court. Today in repressive regimes like North Korea scholarship and learning stultify as the threat of prison prevents anyone from questioning state-sanctioned history.

UWO History Prof. Warns Proposed “Hate” Law Legislation Could Chill Academic Research

“The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” – Plato
First, I’ll make non-kosher talk about the Holocaust illegal, then I’ll make it illegal to talk about that protester I punched in the head
V. I. Lenin
“God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.” – Daniel Webster
“Man these Canadians are even better at stealing people’s freedom than we were”!

Concerned? Sign below!
The names and comments will be presented to Attorney-General Anne McLellan and to Justice critics of the Progressive Conservative party, Reform party, NDP and the Bloc Quebecois.

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