January/February, 2004 (# 161) HOMICIDE WATCH No More Clinton Gayles! –“Iouri Bobeika, 38, who is originally from Moldova, had been ordered out of the country [in Sept 2001] by the Immigration and Refugee Board following a sexual assault conviction. The May 2000 sex assault saw Bobeika jailed for two years and three days for an attack on his wife, Natalie. Bobeika managed to stay in the country by immediately appealing his deportation order. … Bobeika is now charged with second-degree murder in Natalie’s death. [As son frantically dialed 911, his mother] died of multiple stab wounds. … Immigration critic Inky Mark said yesterday this is another example of Canada protecting the civil rights of immigrants with criminal records at the expense of other citizens. ‘Those immigrants who have broken the law, get rid of them — what are we waiting for?'” (Toronto Sun, December 3, 2003) -“Ivan Vlad Miteiko, 35, a Russian facing deportation after his refugee claim was denied, was arrested … in the slaying of his 14-year-old stepson [Ilya Kapustyan]. … The lad’s body was found … around 7 a.m. when his mother arrived home from her night-shift job. Kapustyan died of blunt force trauma and strangulation. … [Miteiko] arrived in Canada in 1994 on a 90-day visa when he was sponsored by a Hamilton woman, but that arrangement collapsed. He then filed a refugee claim that was denied. … [We’re told he] will be held on an immigration detention order for removal once Canada’s criminal system is finished with him.” (Toronto Sun, December 29, 2003) Unless he files another appeal?
DISEASE WATCH TB Management: Just Too Expensive To Bother Given the prevalence of TB infection of almost 50% by the age of 20 years and 80% by the age of 30 among such people, it can be estimated that over 100,000 tuberculin-positive immigrants arrive in Canada each year. [That is not to say they are all infectious, but since they could become so, a prudent system would track them. Unfortunately for Canadians,] at present, public health resources and infrastructure are insufficient to properly manage the far smaller number of people who are currently referred for follow-up of problems detected by chest radiographic screening. Clearly, implementation of tuberculin screening would require massive investments in the public health infrastructure in Canada. … Tuberculin skin testing is warranted for people with other medical conditions that increase the risk of reactivation of latent infection, including diabetes mellitus, renal failure, immunosuppressive therapy (e.g., corticosteroids) and HIV infection. [The world’s most unhealthy specimens are indeed fortunate that Immigration Canada neglects its mandate to deny entry to undue medical burdens: persons likely to cost taxpayers $15,016 over 5 years. Contempt for this penny-wise pound-foolery is evident in a letter from Dr. W. Wallace Watson] ‘In my experience of practising in northwest metropolitan Toronto for over 20 years, I have seen many immigrants and refugees with TB that was probably active at the time of their arrival in Canada. However, the medical examination before arrival and the screening after arrival were inadequate to identify the disease. The implication that skin testing would yield too many false-positive results is indefensible. If the test result is positive and the patient is deemed a ‘low-risk reactor’ [giving a false-positive reading], at least the information will be in the patient’s dossier. Should the person become ill, this information should alert medical personnel of possible reactivation of TB. … Immigrants and refugees from areas where TB is endemic should be thoroughly screened, and a skin test is essential for people from regions such as the Indian subcontinent and Somalia.’ [Oh, and Ottawa has something for the wee ones too] Children are also screened for symptoms of active TB disease during the IME [the Immigration Medical Examination, such as it is, consists of a urinalysis, but only for children over 5, and a chest x-ray, but only for children over age 11] They are not screened for latent TB infection. … Infants and young children (those under 5 years of age) who have been exposed to TB [but not examined on entry] … are at much higher risk of progression to active disease. In contrast to adults with recent latent TB infection, among whom the risk for progression to active disease within 5 years is less than 2%, the likelihood of such progression in an infant is up to 40%. Furthermore, infants and young children are much more likely than older children and adults to experience life-threatening forms of TB; such as, TB meningitis and miliary TB. TB meningitis occurs in approximately 0.5% of children with untreated primary infection; if left untreated this condition is often fatal.” (CMAJ, Nov 11, 2003) The implications for patient zero’s unwitting schoolmates are grim, but since it is only unloved Canadian children at risk, Ottawa opts for the reckless gamble rather than the prudent cure. Dr. Kamran Khan is the lead author on a study that “did an analysis of U.S. data to determine whether testing all new immigrants for latent TB made sense, from an economic point of view. … Using mathematical models, they figured that across the board screening of the more than 650,000 immigrants allowed into the United States in 2000 — and treating those who were positive — would have averted between 9,000 and 10,000 cases of active disease down the road. That would have translated into medical savings of between $60 million and $90 million U.S., according to their models. And that is just for that year’s class of immigrants. Khan noted the dollar value of the savings in the study might be on the conservative side, because they did not factor in costs that would occur (or be averted) from secondary infections — cases where an immigrant with latent infection developed active TB and then infected others.” (Canadian Press, December 5, 2003)
“Dr. Michael Rekart, director of sexually-transmitted disease control at the BCCDC [B.C. Centre for Disease Control] said Vancouver’s rate of syphilis is five times higher than it is in the rest of the country, and that 262 cases of the disease were documented in the city last year [more than the total for all of North America over the previous two decades]; … fifty to 60 per cent of the cases have occurred in the Downtown Eastside; … about 26 per cent are in the West End gay community. … Recent outbreaks also have been observed in Toronto and Winnipeg, and to a lesser extent, Montreal. … ‘We’re very concerned for many reasons,’ Rekart said. ‘It says there’s unprotected sex going on, and that’s not a good thing. The other reason we’re worried is that it’s growing and we can’t get a handle on it. It’s consuming resources.’ … Of particular to concern to Rekart is that people with syphilis have a greater risk of contracting HIV than those who don’t, and that people with syphilis and HIV can transmit HIV more easily that people without syphilis. … The first symptom of syphilis is a painless ulcer in the genital area that will disappear after a week or so. Six weeks to six months later, the patient will experience flu-like symptoms and a body rash unique for occurring on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Then, said Rekart, it goes into a latent period after which it can re-emerge in a more virulent state when it can lead to infectious granulomas [a collection of inflammatory cells] and lesions in the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. This can result in heart failure, an irregular heart rhythm or painful bone tumours. … Rekart said it was thought in the 1980s that given its general decline and the fact that it doesn’t occur in animals, syphilis might be able to be wiped out in future. No one thinks that any more, he added.” (Vancouver Sun, January 15, 2004) COST WATCH Refugee Costs: UK – Canada All of which is to say that, unlike Canada, the UK has been working to reduce costs and abuses. Canada never has and probably never will allow taxpayers to learn the true extent of their generosity, but thanks to Britain, we can guess: In 2003, “according to UNHCR population statistics, Canada held 182,711 ‘people of concern’ [that’s combined convention refugees and asylum seekers] while the United Kingdom held 200,036. … For its part, the UK government pegged its asylum cost at Ј1.804-billion (CDN$4.075 billion) in 2002/2003 of which Ј1.1 billion (CDN $2.4 billion) went to the National Asylum Support Service (NASS), which has the responsibility of providing financial, housing, and support services to asylum seekers (UK, Home Office, 2003). [Lucky for Ottawa that refugee admittance is a federal responsibility, while refugee maintenance devolves onto whatever community the refugee selects] According to the UK Home Office, the average cost of supporting a family of asylum seekers in 2001/2002 was Ј14,560 (CDN $32,601) and that for a single person was Ј5,760 (CDN $12,897) (UK Home Office, 2003).” (Canada’s Dysfunctional Refugee System, Fraser Institute, Dec. 2003) It doesn’t take a nuclear physicist forced to work as manicurist to do the math. And remember, the UK introduced vouchers, among other economies, years beforehand. If anyone imagines Canadian costs compare favourably, he is most welcome to explain.
CULTURAL CLASH WATCH More Than Kissin’ Cousins Unfortunately, China’s self-inflicted gender imbalance now yawns so wide that “men in the countryside are resorting to drastic means to continue their family lines, including wedding women who once had little hope of marrying, like those with physical or mental disabilities. Brothers share one wife. The most desperate of all, though, are those who marry members of their own family. … Reminders of the potential dangers fill neighbourhoods … in the roadside hamlet of Chenzhuangke, a first-cousin couple grieve for their young son who died of a rare blood disease. In the nearby city of Yan’an, a brother and sister squat in the mud-brick slums, signing a secret language to each other. Both … were born deaf-mute. Everybody in the neighbourhood thinks they know why: their parents are first cousins. And last month in Yan’an county, a severely retarded newborn girl was found abandoned by the side of a dirt road. Authorities tracked down her parents, only to find out they were a brother and sister, eking out a life together in a dark, cramped cave. [While the one child policy may exacerbate the unfolding disaster, the real problem is the self-serving insistence on sons.] Sons are valued far more than daughters in China because males maintain the family line and care for parents when they grow old. … Chinese demographers estimate that in some rural areas, 80% of children between ages five and 10 are boys.” (TIME Asia, June 3, 2002) Why should we care? Thanks to immigration, we have to. Where marriage between first cousins is exceedingly rare, you might just “get away with it.” If, however, your family tree more closely resembles a ladder (as it does in huge swaths of the world), with cousin consistently marrying cousin, the dangers increase exponentially — for the couple and the modern welfare state. The Christian prohibition against marriage between first cousins has been sufficiently staunch that most of The West has never troubled to proscribe such unions under law: along with every country in Europe, Canada permits marriage between first cousins, although 1/2 of the U.S. states forbid or restrict such unions. Late last year, Dutch “Health Minister Hans Hoogervorst said he considered the risks of birth defects would be overshadowed by the violation of the personal freedom of choice if he banned marriages between first cousins. … Minister Hoogervorst said marriages between cousins were deeply entrenched in Turkish and Moroccan culture. … Minister Hoogervorst said nephew and niece couples stand a 5 to 7 percent chance of having a handicapped child, 1.5 times more than ‘normal’ couples. He said the difference was not large enough to warrant a ban.” (Expatica, December 17, 2003) We understand “1.5 times” to mean a 50% increase. Does pre-natal smoking or boozing tip the scale so drastically? Marrying a first cousin roughly doubles the chance of producing a handicapped baby because the couple shares 1/8 of their genetic material through a common set of grandparents. (Recessive genes are implicated in at least 5,000 inherited diseases). Exogamous marriage may be the norm in our “Eurocentric” culture, but keeping it in the family (to conform with strictures against social mixing, safeguard family property, escape extortionate dowry payments, keep the clan or caste line pure) is more compelling and widespread than we imagine: “Islam safeguards lineage by prohibiting zina [adultery] and legal adoption, thus keeping the family line unambiguously defined without any foreign element entering into it. It likewise prohibits what is known as artificial insemination if the donor of the semen is other than the husband. In such a case, as the well-known professor, Shaikh Shaltut, says: ‘It is a despicable crime and a major sin, to be classified in the same category as adultery.'” (Islamic Voice, August 2001) Who knew that, “the range of consanguinity in Saudi Arabia is 34% to 80-plus per cent.” (PubMed: 9526727, UI: 98187475) Cousin marriages are actually preferred throughout much of Southeast Asia, the Middle East and India, with the exception of the Indo-Aryan-speaking north: “A task force funded by the National Society of Genetic Counsellors and made up of genetic counsellors, physicians and epidemiologists has drawn up] the first comprehensive set of guidelines for consanguineous couples, such as first cousins, who are contemplating having children. [Necessary, according to lead author Robin Bennett] ‘as health care practitioners are seeing more cousin unions in the immigrant population coming to North America from Africa and the Middle East,’ elaborates Dr. Bennett. ‘In some of these societies, the authors note, cousin marriages are actually traditionally preferred and quite common — as high as 60 percent of unions.'” (National Society of Genetic Counsellors, News Release, April 3, 2002) “The available evidence from Western Europe, North America and Australasia suggests that the prevalence of consanguineous unions is increasing, in many cases from an already high level. … Dravidian Hindus of South India strongly favour marriage between first cousins of the type mother’s brother’s daughter (MBD) and, particularly in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, uncle-niece marriages also are widely contracted. … In a study conducted between 1980 and 1989 in Bangalore and Mysore, the two major cities of the state of Karnataka in southern India, 21.3% of Hindu marriages were uncle-niece unions [although the practise is supposedly outlawed] … In general, Muslim regulations on marriage parallel the Judaic pattern [note that] uncle-niece unions are permitted in Judaism. Yet, they are forbidden by the Koran, even though double first cousin marriages, which have the same coefficient of inbreeding (F = 0.125), are recognized within Islam. In southern Asia, Buddhism sanctions marriage between first cousins, as does the Zoroastrian/Parsi tradition [of Iran, now India]. The Sikh religion forbids consanguineous marriage, although some minority Sikh groups appear to exercise flexibility in the observance of this proscription. … The incidence of primarily ‘environmental’ disease is declining in most developing countries, largely because of better basic public health measures and the introduction of vaccination programs for lethal childhood infectious diseases. As a result, genetic disorders now account for an increasing proportion of morbidity and death. This epidemiological transition has already been observed over the course of the last two generations in more developed, low mortality countries, and within the last two decades it also has become evident in the Gulf States, where favourable socio-economic circumstances have been translated into advanced diagnostic and health care facilities. … Generally, inbreeding is associated with loss of biological fitness — in a preliminary study in Pakistan, higher levels of inbreeding were reported in patients with a range of major adult disorders, including some common cancers and cardiovascular disease.” (A.H. Bittles, A Background Summary of Consanguineous Marriage, Centre for Human Genetics, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia, May, 2001) Shouldn’t prudent immigrant receiving nations institute DNA blood screening to determine degree of genetic relatedness among husband and wife arrivals, fiancees, etc.? Public Schools: Past Their Sell-By Date? Before prayers, wudhu must be performed: should schools (sensible of Islamic notions about bodily modesty) invest in providing a separate area for the washing of hands, mouth, face, arms up to the elbow, dampening of hair and washing of feet? Should our schools continue to excise Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Hallowe’en traditions, or excuse Moslem (and others) who might be offended? Should observant students be excused from physical education classes, or permitted to wear head-to-toe cover-ups in place of gym shorts and bathing suits? Islam proscribes public nudity: should schools invest millions in providing private shower facilities? Fasting, or sawm during the month of Ramadan leaves the faithful weak: should students be excused from physical education classes, or should these classes be rescheduled? Should Friday classes be rescheduled to accommodate conscientious Moslems? Should cafeteria and vending foods be labelled to conform with religious dietary requirements? While escalating violence has eliminated the school “hop” in most Toronto schools, should all schools suspend activities encouraging the sexes to mix? Dancing and even music is viewed askance by some Moslem sects. Depictions of the human form and Christian themes are both “offensive” to Moslem sensibilities: should masterpieces of Western art be purged from inclusive curricula? Should equally “offensive” examinations of the classical world and mythology (false deities) be eliminated? Multicultural Or Anti-cultural? It’s hard to see how the sentence, the fine, the suppression and seizure of books actually furthers very many of Europe’s hard-won rights and freedoms. Perhaps another book can shed some light on what’s going on in Spain and here. The Compact Oxford English Dictionary defines diversity as, “difference, oddness, wickedness, perversity.” And the word origin? “Contrariety to what is agreeable, good or right; perversity, evil, mischief.” Of diverse, it says: “Different in character or quality; not of the same kind; not alike in nature or qualities (Formerly also written divers: see divers: “different, odd, wicked, cruel or contrary, different, unlike, separate.” Hmm, another book for the pulping? BOGUS REFUGEE WATCH Honk If You Hate Being Taken For A Ride Equally important, Juan Mora Fernandez prepared ground for one of the oldest democracies in the Americas with land grants and tax exemptions in perpetuity for anyone willing to avail themselves of the thousands of coffee bushes he offered, free for the planting. Capital punishment was rescinded in the 1870s. By the 1940s, Costa Ricans enjoyed constitutionally guaranteed rights to a minimum wage, paid vacations and unemployment insurance. In the 2002 elections, voter turnout was 68.8%; among Canadian voters that year, just 61.1% exercised the franchise, but Costa Ricans enjoy a proportional electoral system while Canadians are hobbled with that democratic deficit known as first-past-the-post. In spite of this, seventeen Costa Ricans filed refugee claims at Toronto’s Pearson airport on Christmas Eve: “‘More than half of the claimants we receive now are from Costa Rica,’ one official said on the condition of anonymity. ‘Word is out and they are flocking here.'” (Toronto Sun, January 1, 2004) During the past two years, 3,000 Costa Ricans have filed claims for asylum: “Last year, Mexico, Costa Rica and Hungary were on the top 10 list of source countries, despite these countries’ peaceful political conditions, reflected in the low acceptance rates (2 per cent for Costa Ricans).” (Globe and Mail, January 15, 2004) But that’s at least two years of work (something forbidden by other refugee receiving countries) at Canadian pay-rates or welfare, with all the free time you like to work the system to arrange a marriage or childbirth of convenience. SECURITY WATCH Remember The Ultra-Secure New Maple Leaf Card? HERE AND THERE Population Replacement – It’s Official! Moroccan Lather The Fallen Are Mighty Quiet Majority Of Toronto Third Graders Fail Literacy Test Canadian Immigration Hotline Index Canada First Immigration Reform Committee |