May, 2004 (#164) Didn’t Calculate On That Glob Near The Edge?
Yet somehow Quebec remains the country’s leading source of secondary immigration; for all the cultural compatibility and linguistic affinity, an abnormal proportion of immigrants to Quebec settle outside Quebec. However, this is not just another story about franco-favouritism: as hard-pressed municipalities across Canada increasingly observe, Ottawa’s contribution to immigrant settlement costs is a not very big drop in the bucket. If it would take $1.5-billion just to bring Ontario transfers up to federal pittance values, it gives the captive, uninformed taxpayer some hint of the absolutely staggering scope of overall immigrant maintenance and management costs. Believe it or not, immigration was once considered an economic benefit to Canada.
Creative Research Group, Dr. Paul] Nesbitt. ‘But it does not show what happens for children from literate, upper-middle-class homes who get sent off to heritage language classes. … ‘English spoken in the home or learned before starting school consistently produces higher literacy levels than French or all other languages. … Any high school education dramatically reduces illiteracy among immigrants, as it also does for native-born Canadians. Yet, 29 per cent of the foreign-born in the survey who claimed some university education actually tested as functionally illiterate, contrasted to six per cent of those Canadian born. … The findings also cast renewed doubt on the effectiveness of immigrant language courses given to an estimated 100,000 immigrants this year. Functional illiteracy runs at 50 per cent among foreign-born multilinguals in the Southam survey, whether they took some sort of language course or not.” (Broken Words, Peter Calamai)
Why is our government letting these types into Canada? Did anyone ask Canadian women if we wanted to be sexually harassed? They treated me like a piece of big blonde meat wherever I went, and showed me absolutely no respect whatsoever. I can tell you I will never move back to Ontario. As an I.T. professional, I would rather take a pay cut and live out West than deal with those sexist son’s of B’s at work every day in Toronto. They have no respect for women and treated me like a dumb blonde sex object, even though I was their senior engineer at work and knew much more than they did and had several years more experience. I actually got shoved over by a Muslim man because I wouldn’t get out of his way! He actually hit a woman because I didn’t cower and scamper out of his path! Do you think Canadian women should accept this? — Brenda
The report found that 83 per cent of Thorncliffe Park Elementary School students speak a language other than English at home.” (Toronto Star, March 3, 2004) Standard boilerplate guilt-mongering so far, but let’s hear what letter writer Turath Khalil has to add: “Social activists would lead you to believe that Thorncliffe is an overcrowded, low-income region of Toronto. As a Pakistani, and former resident of Thorncliffe, I can vouch for the following. The vast majority of Thorncliffe’s residents are new Pakistani immigrants. Pakistani culture dictates that kin and extended families live within the same domicile. The current living conditions in Thorncliffe are not the result of economics; it is by choice. Moreover, the vast majority of Thorncliffe’s households have three, or even four, breadwinners who typically work under the table and continue to collect large amounts of social benefits.” (Toronto Star, March 5, 2004)
In the case of refugee costs, the rather unlikely combination of the NDP government in British Columbia, the Mike Harris Conservatives in Ontario, and the Bloc Quebecois in Quebec joined together two years ago to demand that Ottawa sort out the refugee process and assume the costs of social assistance and other services for the claimants. The then Minister of Immigration, Elinor Caplan, responded by asserting that no more money was available in federal coffers to deal with refugee matters and told the three provinces to ‘get serious.’ Similar rebuffs were administered to Mayors Lastman of Toronto and McCallion of Mississauga when they raised the issue of costs. … What is clear from all of this is that the federal government has avoided being held accountable for the costs of the immigration programme and shows no sign of assuming responsibility for this. This point was not missed by the authors of the Immigration Legislative Review when they stated that ‘we firmly believe that the government must account for the way the objectives of the immigration programs are being met’ (p. 4). Accountability should include not only informing the public about the full nature of the costs, but actually paying for these costs rather than leaving them for provincial and municipal governments to cope with. This will involve keeping track of the whereabouts of newcomers, at least during the first years after their arrival, in order to monitor what costs are being incurred on the public purse. For example, Australian private citizens who wish to sponsor immigrants for family reunification (their parents, for example), are responsible for the costs which they might otherwise impose on the broader society. These sponsors are required to track the whereabouts of those they sponsor and pay their costs. In Canada, the federal government is the ‘sponsor’ of the immigration programme and should bear responsibility for its cost and other implications —including the necessity to track where the immigrants are at any given time. These observations apply with particular force to the refugees who are permitted entry. There is one final comment to be made on the costs of immigration, whatever they may be in total. As indicated elsewhere in this paper, some parts of the private sector tend to support high immigration levels because doing so creates a larger labour pool, lowers wages, and acts as a stimulus to the economy by producing larger profits. This may be obvious in terms of the direct benefit it provides to producers as well as, to some extent, to consumers. However, the calculation of the total benefit or loss to the economy should also include the various associated costs, such as English language training, welfare, etc., before assessing whether there has been a net gain from immigration. Although the producers may, indeed, enjoy some direct benefits, the high taxes required to pay for these costs may well act as a deterrent to investment. While the costs of immigration constitute a relatively small part of total government expenditures, this point should be borne in mind by those who advocate high immigration levels as a means of stimulating the economy.” (Martin Collacott, Fraser Institute Occasional Paper #64)
For years Holland was seen as a glowing example of multi-ethnic tolerance, making huge efforts to make immigrants feel at home, but it seems that immigrants themselves reject Dutch society: Between 70 and 80 per cent of 2nd generation immigrants go “home” to find a spouse. AIVD, the Dutch intelligence service, has warned that al-Qa’eda is “stealthily taking root in Dutch society” through Jihad video cassettes circulating in mosques, cafes and prisons. Failed refugees will be offered free airline tickets to their country of origin along with resettlement payments. Those who resist will face court and up to six months in jail and refusal of all state benefits on release. Holland’s population growth rate is 0.5% (compare Canada’s at 0.94%); Holland’s net immigration rate is 2.35 per 1,000 (Canada’s, 6.01 per 1,000). “Before 1981, 40 per cent of recent immigrants had a Canadian-born spouse; now it’s 16 per cent. One in eight immigrants has dual citizenship.” (CBC, Becoming a Canadian, 2002)
They were detained immediately and told they’d be shipped out promptly, in violation of their Charter guarantees of procedural fairness and due process, said Hamalengwa. They also argue they should not be lumped in with hard-core criminals, and that the flights themselves target Nigerian removals and are a violation of their equality rights.” (Toronto Star, March 1, 2004) The final point verges perilously near the comical: Canada and the U.S. have been driven to charter grotesquely expensive “removal” flights because ever more air carriers refuse to carry deportees. In recent years deportees have learned that the more disruptive and dangerous their on-board antics, the more likely the captain will give them exactly what they crave — a return to the gate and, of course, the deporting nation.
Elsewhere, the same Monitor issue reports that, compared to the third quarter last year, citizenship grants from relatively successful source countries fell; Taiwan by 13% and Hong Kong by 25% — but citizenships from less accomplished sources grew, by 18% in the case of China, 30% for India and 12% for Filipinos against the same period last year. Add illiteracy and the inability of near-half of new arrivals to communicate in either French or English, and it really is amazing that anyone accomplishes anything at all. Canada imports more engineers in any given year than are graduated by our own universities. Is it any wonder our own graduates prefer to move south than compete with cut-rate imports? In the case of brain surgeons and rocket scientists, one would hope that this uniquely brainy class would have had the foresight to actually look into the credential issue before packing up and relocating halfway around the globe. Hedy Fry’s “area of special concern” is a red herring, but we must admit — appointing someone especially well suited for irrational debate was an inspired choice.
That’s an under-estimation, says Des Verma, Lenn Chow, Martin Collacott and Steve Kaufman: “People of Indian and Chinese origin constitute two-thirds of Liberal Party of Canada members in B.C., even though they comprise only 15% of the population of the province. One recent report in the Vancouver Sun stated that one Liberal campaign official had indicated as many as 80% of B.C. members were Sikhs. … Creating ethnic-based voting blocs in ridings is an effective way to recruit new members, but the result is anti-democratic. This approach is known as ‘vote banks’ in India where it has contributed to communal strife in that country. These voting blocs can be used to determine the outcomes at both nomination meetings and elections themselves, with the result that winning candidates are left with a debt to specific ethnic groups rather than to the whole electorate. While this may bring with it short-term electoral benefits for the party, it is clearly not good for Canada.” (National Post, August 13, 2003) In November, then Minister of Natural Resources, Herb Dhaliwal threatened there would be an Indo-backlash if he was dumped from Cabinet: “You have to remember who can deliver votes for you,” was his charming riposte. Constituency swarming is endemic: the latest victim, Chuck Cadman, lost his nomination in Surrey North to an East Indian movie producer who showed up with 1,500 Indo insta-supporters. Art Hangar barely survived a similar brush — Val Meredith did not. The death of democracy has been Chretien’s real legacy, and it is significant that the sponsorship scandal occurred after the Quebec vote: clearly the Liberals had lost all confidence in a process so easily perverted — and they ought to know. If the sponsorship scandal has fatally loosened the Grit stranglehold on power, the mind reels at what the Auditor General might uncover in the ethnic sponsorship industry. CRIME WATCH What If They Stopped Lying To Us? Asian-crime experts in Canada say they are alarmed by the growing level of violence and brutality against women and children who are victims of home invasions by Chinese and Vietnamese gangs. Victims are usually small business people in the Asian community who bring home their cash receipts at the end of the day. It’s not uncommon for them to have tens of thousands of dollars in cash, law-enforcement officials say, because they don’t trust banks. Small cafe and restaurant owners who refuse to pay ‘protection money’ to local gang lords also have been victims of home invasions. Vancouver is increasingly targeted by gangs trying to extort small fortunes from students from Hong Kong and China. In recent months, several students have been threatened with violence, even death, unless they pay gangs as much as $100,000. Police even started offering seminars to local Vietnamese and Chinese small business people in Toronto on how to protect themselves against this type of crime. The gangs are difficult to track down because they don’t use names and they’re spread out all over North America. The victims are easy prey: banks are not the only institutions they distrust. They don’t trust police in their home countries. So, they don’t call them in right away when they have a problem here either.” (Canada & the World Backgrounder, January 1998) Gee, let’s ask an expert: “Immigrants who bring with them to this country a mistrust of institutions — police, government, histories of oppression — are on super-guard to make sure that such things do not happen here. They are on super-guard to make sure that our institutions and government are used for good.” (Hedy Fry, interview, IM Diversity Inc, 2003) Still seeing things that aren’t there.
The recurring claim that the poor couple were too backward to understand a bewildering system is at odds with completed subsidized housing forms recovered from the home. Police came calling on Mr. Khan on January 19, 2000: “When homicide detectives first knocked on his door and introduced themselves, he told them he understood ‘some English.’ Seconds later, when they told him he was being charged with first-degree murder, he said, again in English, ‘Sorry, I can’t understand English.'” (Globe and Mail, February 13, 2004) This is really a tale about the human costs of an infirm immigration system. The little girl’s stepmother, Kaneez Fatima, was herself brought to Canada as a sponsored spouse in a 1988 arranged marriage. That union broke down within two years and Fatima cast about for a new match in Pakistan. She may have been nine years older than Mr. Khan and likely past her child-bearing sell-by date, but she brought something very seductive to the table — Canadian citizenship. The marriage broker “was Tanver Ahmed, who testified yesterday that Mr. Khan had been hounding him about finding a way to get him to Canada.” (Globe and Mail, February 7, 2004) On April 20, 1999, Mr. Khan duly arrived as the latest sponsored spouse in this chain of arranged marriages (the fact that he had a small child in tow cannot have hurt his cause). Canada bestows the privilege of citizenship faster than any other developed nation, and to hasten the process, Immigration Canada provides a crib page — A Look At Canada, Citizenship Test: Questions. The critical first five questions are: “1] Who are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada? 2] What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples? 3] From whom are the Metis descended? 4] Which group of Aboriginal peoples make up more than half the population of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut? 5] Why are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada working toward self-government?” A more relevant bellwether might ask: “Say you kill your daughter in an uncontrollable fit of rage; would you, a] dial 911 for emergency services, or, b] dismember her and hide the head under a rock?”
Three years on, “Fine Analysis Laboratories Ltd. and its sister company, Fine Pharmaceutical Ltd., were sentenced to $2.5 million each in fines yesterday after pleading guilty to charges of conspiracy to utter forged documents. … Justice Anton Zuraw called the companies’ actions a ‘stunningly blatant scheme’ that was motivated solely by greed. … Clients of the firms included 60 Canadian pharmaceutical companies, at least eight towns and dozens of private firms, including Canadian Blood Services. It’s not known how many thousands of test results may have been forged at the Fine Analysis lab. One supervisor conservatively estimated he had been ordered to alter 2,000 results in one year alone, according to the agreed statement of facts read in court yesterday. … Shahid Abdullah, one of the co-owners of the companies, pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy to utter forged documents and giving contradictory evidence and [for such depraved indifference in a position of trust] was sentenced to a combination of house arrest and curfew for two years less a day. Abdullah will serve his sentence in Abbotsford, B.C., where he now lives.” (Toronto Sun, February 24, 2004) What, no healing circle? “Two other Fine Analysis employees were also handed sentences to be served in the community. Laboratory director Yana L’Pris received a 12-month sentence, half to be served under house arrest and half under a court-ordered curfew. Quraish Hussain, a laboratory co-ordinator, was sentenced to six months of 9 p.m.-to-7 a.m. curfew at home.” (Toronto Star, February 24, 2004) Where’s the justice? For that matter, where’s partner/brother Tahir Mahmood Abdullah? Pakistan? Let’s hope a torrent of civil claims discombobulate the cozy domestic arrangements “imposed” by Justice Zuraw. On a single sample of commercial paper sludge tested in 1998, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment recorded arsenic levels 420 times higher than those submitted by Fine and lead readings 1,000 times higher. This really does matter, because where testing indicates the sludge falls within “safe” levels it’s routinely spread on farmland as fertilizer — sparing the mill the regulatory headache of extremely costly hazardous waste disposal charges. As from the outset of the venture, it’s obvious that a “Fine” is nothing like good enough. Lucky the Fine Gang weren’t Brad Love who did something serious like writing letters to MPs which earned him 18 months real jail time. |